One of the vital signs for our body is the respiratory rate, or the rate of breathing. Respiratory rates can change on the basis of health and activity factors.

The normal respiratory rate is 16–25 per minute. It can vary with the age,sex, size, and health of an individual. And in children, the rate depends on how old they are.
In this article we will discuss respiratory rates, their ranges, and how to measure them.
What is the normal respiratory rate with age?
The number of breaths taken per minute is known as the respiratory rate. This is an important measurement for our bodies to check if we are getting enough oxygen.
Good health with respect to breathing can vary between individuals, but there is a range for it to determine respiration rate or rate of breathing.
Age | Per Minute Respiration Rate. |
2 Months to 2 Years | 20-25 |
2 to 6 Years | 20-25 |
6 to 15 Years | 18-20 |
15 Years and up | 16-18 |
How to measure your respiratory rate on your own?
Respiratory rates can be measured in these easy steps:
- Peacefully sit or lie down in a resting position.
- Set a timer for 1 minute.
- Measure the number of breaths per minute by counting how many times your chest rises.
What can cause lower respiratory rates?
Use of alcohol, drugs, brain injuries, metabolic issues, and sleep apnea are the conditions that lead to lower respiratory rates.
What can cause fast respiratory rates?
Asthma, fever, dehydration, any heart or lung condition, anxiety, overdose of medicine, Infections Tachypnea in children leads to fast respiratory rates. Both high and low respiratory rates can indicate a problem in the body.
How to control high respiration rates at home?
By following calming techniques, you can develop better breathing.
- Sit comfortably or lie down.
- Take a deep breath in with your nose for 4 seconds and hold it for 2 seconds.
- Release the breath through the nose if possible in 6 seconds.
- Practice it till the respiration rate becomes normal.
This is not the treatment, but only some basic information. Try to consult your doctor as soon as possible after having any breathing issues.
When to call a doctor?
An increase in respiration rate is a warning sign. If your breathing rate changes, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Video on how to count respiratory rates.
Why is the breathing rate in women and children greater than in men?
The lung volume for females is smaller than for males, so the respiratory rate for women is slightly faster than for men.
Which exercises can help increase the lungs’ capacity for breathing?
Belly breathing and pursed lip breathing can help to improve lung function and also expand its capacity. But before doing any exercise, consult your doctor for proper care.
Why do kids breathe more oxygen than adults?
Due to the higher metabolic rate in kids, they need more oxygen. Hence, their respiratory rate is also higher as compared to adults.
Increased or decreased respiration rates indicate some underlying diseases that need to be treated. Sometimes, respiratory rate values that are within the limits may also have warning signs that are caused by an underlying disease in special cases.
Reference:D.A.SAVANT,The pharmaceutical sciences-Pharma pathway,pg-5.24
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Disclaimer: The only goal of all the content on is informational. It is not meant to replace any medical guidance, diagnosis, or treatment.
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