Skincare for acne-prone skin:7 easy steps

More care while skincare for acne prone skin is most necessary. Before doing any skin care, find out your skin concerns and which methods or products suit your skin type.

Acne prone skin not only needs the treatmental products but also need caring, changing lifestyle and special attention to your sensitive skin.

Skincare for acne-prone skin

In this article, I will guide you on how to take care of your acne-prone skin with a special routine and try to solve your problems, so keep reading!

What is the best skincare for acne?

Care for your skin is an important part of your lifestyle, and skincare for acne-prone skin is a challenging one.

Acne takes time to clear, but taking proper care can prevent this condition.

Here are some dermatologist-recommended skincare tips for acne-prone skin:

Skincare for acne-prone skin:

Step 1: Cleansing

A harsh cleanser can remove excess oil and the protective barrier, which leads to irritation, so always use a balanced cleanser according to your skin type.

This is the first and important steps in skincare for any skin concerns. Cleaning in the morning and before going to bed can be a good start to an acne care regimen.

Step 2: Toning

Toner can remove excess oil responsible for breakouts; therefore, this step can be helpful for getting rid of oils from your skin. Toning can be done the morning after cleansing.

Step 3: Moisturising

A moisturiser can hydrate your skin. You can use moisturiser in the morning and at night before going to bed.

Step 4: Sunscreen

Sunscreen is necessary during morning as it can protect from harsh uv rays and blue lights from smart devices.

Step 5: Spot treatment

Generally, this can be done after cleansing at night to get the best results.

Step 6: Makeup removing

This is the most important step to prevent your skin from breaking out, so don’t forget to remove your makeup, especially before going to bed.

Step 7: Exfoliation and face mask

Exfoliation and masking cannot be done on a daily basis. Once or twice a week is recommended. These can remove dead skin cells, impurities, and excess oils that are further responsible for acne.

Here is the video of Morning and Night skincare for Acne-prone skin by a dermatologist.

Causes and types of acne

Before going for any skin care for acne-prone skin, we should be clear about the cause and types of acne. So that, according to the concern, we may go ahead with the solution.

Causes of acne

Acne caused by several factors but mainly responsible is our body hormone, oil and bacteria on the skin. Whenever oil or bacteria clog our skin pores, it leads to acne.Three main factors are interrelated like whenever oil is more produced due to hormonal imbalance with dead skin cells gives shelter to bacteria forming leads to acne.

Also read: Hormonal Skincare: Ditch the Breakouts, Embrace the Glow

Types of acne

There are two major forms of acne inflammatory and noninflammatory.

Red bumps or white ones with pus are inflammatory and blackheads and white heads are examples of noninflammatory.

Should I do skincare if I have acne?

Like food or clothes, you cannot change your skin according to your preference, as it is a precious gift from God, however, you can take proper care of it. That’s why skincare is necessary for any skin type.

It might be mild and simple, but skincare is required for acne-prone skin.

When to see a dermatologist for acne

Mild acne can be treated with proper care, preventive measures, and mild medication. But if it does not improve, consult a dermatologist.

How can I prevent acne naturally?

There are some simple lifestyle changes helps to prevent acne naturally includes

  • Don’t forget to clean your face twice a day.
  • Try to avoid comodegenic products.
  • Avoid harsh scrubs to clean dead skin.
  • Don’t pick or pop the acne bumps.
  • Drink enough water to stay hydrated.

Why does my acne get worse when I do skincare?

While treating acne, you have to be patient and have faith in your skincare routine. According to America Academy of Dermatology Association there are some habits on your routine may worsen the acne are:

Frequently changing new routines or treatments

Our skin need times to adopt any routine. If we change our products frequently within a week or two, it may result in irritation and breakouts.

Sharing your products or tools with others

Acne is not contagious, but the bacteria that lead to acne may be transferred through the application tools or products, leading to acne and breakouts.

Picking, popping, or squeezing acne

Squeezing, popping, or picking at any acne bumps leads to scarring, increases inflammation, and leaves a scar on your skin.


  • Is it okay to leave acne untreated?

    Sometimes yes,
    Acne can be cured with proper medication, but sometimes it is ok to leave it untreated. This can go away on its own by changing your lifestyle and adopting a good skincare routine.

  • Does sunscreen help acne?

    Obviously yes,
    Acne can be even worsened by exposure to the sun, as the heat can cause irritation and UV light darkens the pigmentation that is the scar that acne leaves behind.

  • Can I skip moisturiser if I have acne?

    Skipping moisturiser may leads to dry skin result in more oil production leads to more acne and breakouts. Sometimes you may skip, but totally skipping is not a good option. However use a light weighted moisturiser or gel based or that suits to your skin type.

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If you are sincerely undergoing treatment for acne but still getting it, you should change your lifestyle and skincare routines.

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